Problem: Given an array of elements, how can we sort this array of elements?

We define a sorted array as an array such thtat for every two consecutive elements in the array ,

Here, we discuss various algorithms we can employ to sort an array we’re given.

Sorting Algorithms

Properties of Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms all have pros and cons compared to one another.

We will be analyzing each sorting algorithm based on their time and space complexity, as well as their stability and in-place property, described below.


Say we have two equal values , where is to the left of .

A sorting algorithm is stable if the relative positions of these values do not change relative to one another when the algorithm ends. Otherwise, the algorithm is unstable.

In Place

A sorting algorithm is in-place if the algorithm operates on the list itself.

Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms

In this section, we discuss various algorithms we can use to sort our array, which use comparisons to achieve our objective.

These algorithms are given below.

However, regardless of how we choose to sort with comparisons, the use of comparisons limit the algorithms! We discuss this more in Limitations of Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithms.

Non-Comparison Based Sorting Algorithms

In this section, we discuss alternative algorithms we can use to sort our array, which do not use comparisons to achieve our objective. Because of this, under certain conditions, these algorithms can achieve worst case time complexities faster than !

These algorithms are given below.