For a subset of the real numbers , we denote a function
As an operation assigning a value to all , denoted .
Two concepts essential to an analysis of functions are **continuity and differentiability. We discuss continuity here.
Defining Continuity
Let be a function. We say is continuous at a point , if whenever any sequence converges to , so too does the sequence .
In other words, if a point is sufficiently close to , then the distance should become arbitrarily small.
We can similarly define this in terms of limits,
Example: Continuity Proof
Prove is continuous.
Take any real number , and take any convergent sequence . Then, applying the product property of the limits,
Example: Continuity Proof (2)
Let such that
Show that is continuous at .
We want to show that for any , .
Let . By definition, , such that ,
Let , and choose the associated with this epsilon such that ,
Now take the expression . Because , , we always apply the part of the function.
Because , and , by the squeeze theorem, .
Example: Continuity Disproof
Prove that
is not continuous.
Let us have sequence , which converges to 0. However, will converge to 1, which is not equal to !
Theorem: Properties of Continuity
Let and be continuous functions. Then , , , , are also continuous.
These properties trivially follow from the limit properties.
Example: Continuity and Sequential Compactness
Let be continuous where is sequentially compact. Prove that is sequentially compact.
To show that , is sequentially compact, we want to show that for any , there exists a subsequence such that .
As all terms of are in , for all , there exists an such that . By sequential compactness on , there exists a subsequence such that .
By continuity on , as , . Letting this , we have a subsequence converging to a .
Geometric Properties of Continuity
Some important implications of continuity are given below: the extreme value theorem, and the intermediate value theorem.
Let be a function. For , we define a set
As the image (output) of .
Now, we say has a maximum given that itβs image has a minimum - that is, there exists a point such that
Such a point is called a maximizer.
Similarly, we say has a minimum given that itβs image has a minimum - that is, there exists a point such that
Such a point is called a minimizer.
Continuity guarantees the existence of a maximum and/or minimum along bounded domains of a continuous function. This is known as the Extreme Value Theorem.
Theorem: Extreme Value Theorem
Let be continuous, where is a closed bounded interval. Then, the maximum and minimum of exist.
In this theorem, the two key assumptions we need are compactness of , and the continuity on .
We prove a maximum (proof for minimum follows similarly). Let . First, we prove that our image is bounded above, then we prove that the supremum is a functional value.
Upper Bound Proof
If there exists an upper bound for the image , then
By way of contradiction, assume there is no such . Now let be any natural number. By assumption,
Thus, there must exist a point such that . We call this point .
Continuing this argument for many , we define a sequence with the property that for all .
- By the Sequential Compactness Theorem, we can choose a subsequence converging to a point .
- By definition of continuity, the image of the sequence, , converges to .
However, because converges, it must be bounded! This contradicts the property that
Thus, there must exist an upper bound for the image .
Supremum Value Proof
Let . From above, we know that is bounded above, and because of this, must have a supremum.
Let be this supremum. We now show a point where .
Let . By assumption,
is smaller than and is therefore not an upper bound for .
By the epsilon definition of bounds, this means that there is a point such that ! Let this point be . So,
Continuing this for many , we obtain a sequence such that !
- By the Sequential Compactness Theorem, we can find a subsequence converging to a point .
- By continuity, if , then .
- But because , this means that !
Thus, is a value within the function, and must exist.
Continuity also guarantees the existence of values within a range of a continuous function.
Theorem: Intermediate Value Theorem
Let be a continuous function.
Pick any in the interval , where and are in the interior of . Then, there exists an strictly between and such that .
The proof is ommitted, as it is long and technical. It uses the Nested Interval Theorem and Bisection Method.
Finally, continuity is maintained along intervals. We define an interval as the set with bounds , such that all real numbers between the bounds exist within the set.
Theorem: Continuity along Intervals
If is a continuous function where is an interval, then the output is also an interval.
Let , and choose any value . Without loss of generality, suppose . We wish to show that exists within , which by definition shows the existence of the interval between .
We know that
And thus, by the intermediate value theorem, there exists some between and such that ,
Note that for this proof to work, we assumed that is an interval.
Uniform Continuity
This topic is essential for defining integrals!
We say is uniformly continuous on if for any two sequences such that if their difference converges to 0,
Then . In other words, for any two sequences that become arbitrarily close, so too should our function along these points and .
Our sequences donβt even have to converge!
The following theorem may help inform us when to expect that a function is uniformly continuous. It will be given later formally, as we havenβt yet defined a derivative; but is listed here for our understanding.
Theorem: Uniform Continuity
If has a bounded derivative on , then is uniformly continuous.
Uniform continuity is a fairly strong result! While continuity does not necessarily imply uniform continuity; uniform continuity can imply continuity!
Theorem: Continuity and Uniform Continuity
If is continuous, where is a closed bounded interval, then it is uniformly continuous.
This only works because of the compact set on βs domain!
By way of contradiction, let , and suppose .
So, there exists an such that for all , there exists an such that
For , choose such that
Now, choose such that
Continuing this, weβve constructed a sequence on . Letting , be subsequences using this sequence on .
But we have !
So, by the Sequential Compactness Theorem, we can show that
And because the difference of and converge, this forces
By continuity, this means that and ! So,
But , which is a contradiction! Thus, is uniformly continuous on .
However, if is uniformly continuous on , then is continuous.
Fix . Define as a sequence converging to , and let be a sequence that is only . Then by definition of uniform continuity.
Example: Uniform Continuity
Let , .
We show that is uniformly continuous on . Let and be sequences such that . Then,
Example: Uniform Continuity (2)
Let , .
We show that is uniformly continuous on . Let and be sequences such that . Then, applying the reverse triangle inequality,
Example: Uniform Continuity (3)
Let , .
We should expect this to be uniform continuous, as our derivative is bounded between , and our function is continuous in the compact set !
Using the definition, we show this as follows.
Example: Uniform Continuity Disproof
Let , .
While we have uniform continuity for any compact subset , our theorem wonβt apply for infinity! In fact, the end points are where we fail to satisfy the uniform continuity definition.
Choose , . Then, while they become arbitrarily close,
Example: Uniform Continuity Disproof (2)
Let , .
We should expect this to not be uniformly continuous, as our slope blows up as we tend towards 0!
Choose , . Then, these two sequences both converge to 0, yet
Criterion for Continuity
Recall how we defined continuity. We propose below an alternative, yet equivalent, definition that may be useful.
Let be a function. Then, we say satisfies the - criterion at , if for all , there exists a such that for ,
In other words, this is saying that for any interval in βs range, we can choose an interval in βs domain that contains all of the values of this range!
The following theorem establishes a connection between the - criterion and continuity.
Theorem: Continuity and -
Let be a function, and let . Then, the following two assertions are equivalent.
- The function is continuous at .
- The - criterion at holds.
Example: Disproof
Define as the function where
We want to show by the - proof that the function is not continuous at .
Choose . Then, there is no such that .
Example: Epsilon-Delta Continuity Proof
Let be defined as . Verify using the definition that is continuous at point .
Scratch Work
Pick any arbitrary . For this , we want to find a satisfying the relation
Letβs find this .
We know that by assumption, but is not bounded! Thus, we need to establish a bound for it.
Suppose . Then, for this bound, we know that
Thus, for all , ! Assume our . Then,
Let . Then, for this , we successfully have bounded .
Let , and let . Then, for all such that ,
Example: Proof
Let . Prove it is continuous at by -.
Scratch Work
Fix any . We start from our constraint and work backwards to choose a .
If , then
Provided that .
Let . Let .
Then, for all , if , we get (show from above inequalities).
Example: Proof
Suppose and is continuous. Prove for all on some interval .
Choose .
For all .
Similarly, we can establish a connection between the - criterion and uniform continuity.
We say satisfies the - criterion on the domain , if for all , there is a such that for all ,
Theorem: Uniform Continuity and -.
Let be a function, and let . Then, the following two assertions are equivalent.
- The function is uniformly continuous at .
- The - criterion on the domain holds.
Example: Proof
Prove is uniformly continuous on using -.
But this doesnβt work, as we canβt control the denominator! So, we approach this differently, and begin with a squared term.
Given this, we take the square root of all terms to find
So we choose to finish our proof.
Inverses, Continuity, and Monotonicity
Recall in the intermediate value theorem section, the theorem on the image of continuous functions.
Theorem: Intervals of Images
Let be continuous, where is an interval. Then, is an interval.
Note that the converse of this is not true in normal cases, but it is when is monotone! This is expressed below.
Theorem: Continuity of Monotone Functions
If is monotone, then if is an interval, is continuous!
Note that does not have to be an interval. We skip the proof as it is long and technical.
Function Inverses
We say a function is injective (one-to-one) if any has exactly one value. Formally, if we have any two -values , then
In other words, the function passes the horizontal line test - if we draw any horizontal line, it only crosses the function once.
Theorem: Monotonicity and Injections
If is strictly monotone, then is injective.
Choose any two -values . If is strictly monotone, then , or . In either case, .
Note that the converse is not true, as we can choose a piecewise function to violate monotonicity. However, this changes if is continuous!
Theorem: Continuity, Injections, and Monotonicity
Let be continuous. Then, is injective if and only if is strictly monotone.
The continuity and interval clauses are extremely important, and without them, this theorem wonβt hold.
We say that function is invertible provided that is injective. In the event this is true, we define the inverse function as
Such that if and only if .
Theorem: Monotonicity of Inverses
If is strictly monotone, then is also strictly monotone.
Without loss of generality, suppose is strictly increasing. Then, for two domain values such that ,
Let , . Then,
So, is strictly increasing.
Theorem: Continuity of Inverses
Let be strictly monotone. Then, is continuous on .
Since is a strictly monotone, so is . Because maps to an interval, and is strictly monotone, it is continuous by an earlier theorem.