Cauchy Sequences

We say the sequence

is Cauchy if , such that ,

Theorem: Boundedness of Cauchy Sequences

Let be a Cauchy sequence. Then, is bounded.

Theorem: Convergence of Cauchy Sequences

Let be a sequence of real numbers. Then, is Cauchy if and only if it converges.

Note that this only holds because our sequence is on real numbers! In other spaces, this may not hold.

Cauchy sequences can be very helpful in determining convergence! Recall how before, we could show that a sequence converges, but we had to know what it converged to in order to prove this! Cauchy sequences avoids this limitation.

Infinite Series

Let be a partial sum, given as

Where are terms of a sequence. We say it is a series when , and this series converges if

Otherwise, if does not exist, then the series diverges.

Proofs for some of the series tests are given below.

Convergence of Function Sequences

Pointwise Convergence

We say a sequence of functions pointwise on , if such that ,

Or in other words, ,

Notice how we fix our first, before choosing ! This means that can rely on both and .

Pointwise convergence is a very weak notion of convergence! Let’s see why.

Example: Weakness of Pointwise Covergence

Fix . Then, as , , giving us pointwise convergence.

Some notable things we can see from this example:

  1. All functions are continuous on , and so is .
  2. The limit of our derivatives is equal to our function derivative
  3. The limit of our integrals is equal to our function integral

However none of these properties always hold for pointwise convergence! This makes pointwise convergence is extremely weak, as we can’t really use it for anything.

Below, we provide counterexamples to each of the “observations” above.

Uniform Convergence

We say a sequence of functions uniformly on , if , such that ,

Notice how we fix our after choosing ! This is called uniform convergence, as our is no longer dependent on , so it should work “uniformly” for all .

Uniform convergence is a much stronger notion of convergence than pointwise. In fact, it implies pointwise convergence.

Theorem: Uniform and Pointwise Convergence

If uniformly on , then pointwise.

Example: Uniform Convergence Proof

Note that . Let’s show uniformly. Fix . We want

Choose such that , whose existence is guaranteed by the Archimedian Property. Then, we have uniform convergence.

We say sequence is uniformly Cauchy on if , such that ,

While a complex definition, this lets us show convergence even if we don’t know the limit!

Theorem: Uniform Cauchy and Uniform Convergence

Uniform Cauchy convergence implies uniform convergence.

Example: Uniform Cauchy Convergence

We show this is uniformly convergent using our Cauchy definition. Let . We want

Provided is large enough. We find this using the Geometric Series Test to finish.

Uniform convergence is much stronger than pointwise convergence! In fact, properties of continuity, differentiation, and integration that did not hold for pointwise convergence, now hold for uniform convergence!

Theorem: Continuity and Uniform Convergence

If is continuous for each , and uniformly, then is continuous.

The same holds for uniform continuity on and .

Theorem: Integration and Uniform Convergence

Let uniformly on , and assume exists for al . Then,

Theorem: Differentiation and Uniform Convergence

Let for all . Suppose pointwise on , and suppose uniformly on , where is some function.

Then, , and .

If we don’t know the limit , we can also find that is uniformly Cauchy.

Power Series

A power series is defined as

We’ll typically just use .

We can often find the domain of using a Ratio Test (or Root Test) where we check the endpoints as well. Can we differentiate and integrate this series?

Theorem (9.40 Fitzpatrick)

Define the power series

And let be in its domain of convergence, . Furthermore, let .

Then, and

Both converge uniformly on .

This means that the partial sums converge uniformly!

This does not mean that we have uniform convergence on ! For example,

Example: Uniform Convergence Counterexample

We have that the domain of convergence is . Since our partialsums are bounded on , but the limit is unbounded, we cannot have uniform convergence!

Theorem: Integrability of Power Series

Let , where

Then, we’re allowed to integrate our term!

Theorem: Differentiability of Power Series

Let where

Then, and

Note that , as we have a term which we define as equal to 1.