Limsup / Liminf
Consider a sequence that oscillates between and as . While its limit does not exist, it does still have a “notion” of two different limits! This is the idea behind limsup (limit superior) and liminf (limit inferior) - they let us make claims about the limit for sequences, which may not necessarily converge to a single value!
Let be bounded. Then,
- We say the limit superior (limsup), is
Equivalent to the limit of the upper bound of , for all .
- We say the limit inferior (liminf) is
Equivalent to the limit of the lower bound of , for all .
Note that this can be extended to unbounded sequences too! We just won’t cover them.
Note that by this definition, is a decreasing sequence! And furthermore, because this sequence is bounded and decreasing, by the MCT, it converges to the infimum.
This similarly holds for the liminf.
So we can alternatively write the liminf and limsup as
Example: Computing Limsup
Suppose we have the sequence
We find the limsup as
Taking the limit as , this converges to 0. So, our limsup is 0.
We can similarly show that the liminf is 0.
Example: Computing Limsup (2)
Limsups are not always easy to prove! Consider
While it seems arbitrarily, this is difficult to prove! We need to prove that for is dense in .
Theorem: Addition of Limsup / Liminf
Proof (Limsup)
By the upper bound nature of supremums,
And furthermore, as the supremum of is the least upper bound,
We apply the limit on both sides to obtain our theorem.
The limit set of is
As . In other words, its the set of all limits that ’s subsequences converge to.
Example: Limit Sets
Then, our limit set is .
Interestingly enough, in the above example, our liminf is 0, and our limsup is 1! This is no coincidence - we can use limit sets to compute our liminf and limsup!
Theorem: Limit Sets and Liminf / Limsup
Let be a bounded sequence, and let be the limit set.
We omit the proof.
Theorem: Convergence and Limsup / Liminf
In which case, all 3 limits are equal to .
Proof (Forward Direction)
Proof ()
Assume . Then, for any ,
Taking the limit of both sides as , we get
Forcing our limit to be equal to .
Darboux Integrals
Suppose we have a function . In this section, we formally define what an integral is.
Definition of an Integral
Recall that in earlier calculus classes, we define an integral as the sum of progressionally smaller rectangles under the curve, known as a Riemann Sum.
Consider the closed interval , and partition it using points , where
Let be bounded, and consider the interval between any two partition points . By assumption, we can define the quantities , the infimum of along this interval, and , the supremum of along this interval.
And use this to define the lower () and upper () Darboux sums of ,
Where .
Note that as is the width of our interval, we are defining rectangles under (whose heights are either the infimum of supremum along the interval)! This is very similar to Riemann Sums.
Theorem: Darboux Sums
Suppose for all . Then,
be a partition of , where is a subinterval, and let , be the infimum and supremums along this subinterval. Then,
Summing this over all of the subintervals, we get
Now let be a partition of . Then, we say is a refinement of if contains all points of , and possibly others.
A refinement is essentially just a partition with more points inside it.
Example: Refinement
The below is an example of a refinement of this partition
Refinements are important, as they let us define finer and finer sums for and !
Theorem: Refinements and Darboux Sums
Let be a partition of , and refine . Then,
This should intuitively make sense! If we more finely divide up , then the minimum of along our new subintervals can only increase, and the maximum of along these subintervals can only decrease!
Theorem: Partitions and Darboux Sums
For any partitions and of , lower sums are always less than upper sums.
Define the common refinement of and , by combining them as . Then, we can apply our previous theorem to obtain
We can use these theorems to define what an integral is!
Let be an arbitrary partition of . Then, we define the lower / upper (Darboux) integral as
Or in other words, the maximum lower sum, and the minimum upper sum over all possible partitions .
Note that the underneath the supremums and infimums is notation! We’re essentially applying a “supremum / infimum” over all possible and , where is arbitrary (like the in an integral).
If these two integrals are equal, then we say is integrable (in terms of Darboux) and we write
for the commmon value.
Theorem: Darboux Sums and Integrals
Let be a function. Then,
The first and last inequalities naturally hold by definition of infimums and supremums.
We apply our theorem above. For any two arbitrary partitions ,
Because and are arbitrary, we can apply our supremum on to obtain
We know that the supremum exists, as is bounded above by .
By the same idea, we apply our infimum on to obtain
Which translates to our integrals by definition!
Example: Computing Darboux Integrals
Consider the constant function over interval , .
We find our integral.
Example: Computing Darboux Integrals
Consider the Dirichlet function
Is integrable along ?
Because the rationals / irrationals are dense, any subinterval will always contain a rational and an irrational, so will always be both 0 and 1 at some point in the interval.
As these are not equal, our function is not integrable along in the sense of the Riemann Darboux.
Archimedes-Riemann Theorem
Computing these integrals can be annoying, especially as we need to compute infimums and supremums! The below theorem can help simplify our integral computations in specific cases.
Theorem: Archimedes-Riemann Theorem
Let be bounded. Then, is integrable if and only if there exists a sequence of partitions such that
In this case, we say that is archimedian.
Furthermore, in the case that it is integrable,
Proof ()
Suppose there exists a sequence of partitions such that
We know that
So we use these to obtain
So by squeeze theorem,
Proof ()
By definition,
So by the epsilon-definition of supremums, we know that , there exists a , such that
We choose , and for all choose these ’s and ’s to find a sequence. Note that these sequences converge by squeeze theorem.
Our partitions are not guaranteed to be the same, so we can take the union of them,
We apply squeeze theorem to obtain convergence.
We now show that
To do this, we use the property of infimums that
As , we apply squeeze theorem.
We have similar argument for the limit of the lower sum!
This theorem is really important, and can be used to prove a lot! In fact, many of the below properties of integrals can be proven using the Archimedes-Riemann Theorem. See below.
Properties of Integrals
Below, we discuss various useful properties of integrals.
Monotonicity and Integrals
Theorem: Monotonicity and Integrability
Any monotone function is integrable.
The monotonicity on and its restricted domain automatically implies boundedness!
Let where is constant.
We show that is Archimedian, to apply the previous theorem.
Thus, we apply our above theorem to obtain integrability.
We can use a similar idea to show that any step function is integrable, though this is much more difficult.
Let be Archimedian for . Then any refinement is also Archimedian.
By property of refinements, will get smaller, and will get larger, so
Theorem: Monotonicity
Let for all . Then,
Let be Archimedian for , and for . Let , which is still Archimedian for and !
With a common refinement, we have . Then, as , by the Archimedian Riemann theorem, we are done.
Additivity, Linearity, Absolute Value of Integrals
Theorem: Additivity of Integrals
Let be an integrable function. Then, ,
Suppose there exists an Archimedian Sequence for on . Without loss of generality, suppose contains (since any refinement is also Archimedian).
Split into mutually exclusive partitions and based on . We want to show that both subsequences are Archimedian.
We have
Because and are both non-negative for all , for this sequence to converge it must be true that they both converge to 0.
Theorem: Linearity of Integrals
Let , and be integrable. Then,
Proof (Half)
We show the first part of the proof.
Let be an Archimedian sequence for and on , which is possible by common refinement.
We know that
Similarly, we can obtain
Giving us
Theorem: Absolute Value and Integrals
Let and be integrable on . Then,
We know that
By monotonicity,
But this is essentially an absolute value!
Continuity and Integrals
The follow theorems guarantee integrability for continuous functions.
Theorem: Continuity and Integrability
Let be a continuous function on compact interval . Then, its integral along this interval exists.
Since we have a continuous function on a compact interval, we know is uniformly continuous. By definition, such that ,
For later convenience, take the constant .
Let be a uniform sequence of partitions for , where . As the partition is uniform, we have that . We wish to show that is Archimedian.
We know that by a theorem,
By the Extreme Value theorem, we know that for some ,
This gives us
Where is the greatest difference between the maximum and minimum.
If , we can apply uniform continuity, we have
And since this holds for all , we can let and apply squeeze theorem, to have
To guarantee the condition, we choose large enough such that , so that for all .
Theorem: Continuity and Integrability
Let be continuous on open and bounded on . Then, exists and does NOT depend on or .
Proof (Sketch)
Create an interval . For each , choose a partition satisfying
Whose existence is guaranteed by our previous proof.
Let . We show that is Archimedian for to show that exists, and then show that
Since doesn’t depend on or , it must be true that the integral also doesn’t depend on or !
Example: Continuity and Integrability
As is continuous on , and bounded on , its integral exists.
Fundmental Theorems of Calculus
Theorem: First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Let be a continuous function on , and be bounded and continuous on .
Since is continuous and bounded, our integral exists by a theorem.
Let be a partition. Because is continuous, we apply Mean Value Theorem on each subinterval , we know that such that
Since is bounded, we know that
So . We take the sum over all the subintervals to get
As this holds for all lower sums, we have
And as we assume integrability, this gives us
We need the below theorems to prove the second fundamental theorem.
If , then
Theorem: Integral Mean Value Theorem
If is a continuous function on , then such that
By EVT, . We integrate this to obtain
Now, for all points between the minimum and maximum, we can find a by intermediate value theorem equal to at that point - finishing our proof.
Theorem: Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
If is a continuous function on , then for any ,
Let , . By definition of derivative,
By the Integral Mean Value Theorem where is between and . We evaluate this and take the limit to obtain .
Extra Integral Properties
Theorem: Generalized Integral MVT
Let be integrable and , and let be continuous. Then, such that
Note that if , we have the Integral MVT!
By assumption, we know that . Thus, by the Extreme Value Theorem, has a minimum and maximum at (respectively).
By property of minimums and maximums, we know that ,
Since this value is bounded by the minimum and maximum of ,by the Intermediate Value Theorem, we know that there exists a such that
Theorem: Continuity of Integration
Define where is integrable. Then is a continuous function, and in fact is uniformly continuous!
Proof (Sketch)
Let . Without loss of generality, say . We have
Choose to obtain uniform continuity.
Theorem: Fundamental Theorem of Calculus + Chain Rule
We can easily prove this by splitting our integral along a middle value, and applying the second fundamental theorem.
Integration by Parts
Theorem: Integration by Parts
If and are continuous on , and and are bounded and continuous on . Then
What we are essentially doing with integration by parts is “moving” the derivative on onto !
Example: Integration by Parts
Theorem: u-Substitution
Let be continuous, be continuous, continuous and bounded on , and . Then,
Let . We show it is equal to the 0 function to obtain our result.
First, note that . By the second fundamental theorem of calculus,
And as the derivative is also 0, this forces for all .
Thus, we have
Let and rearrange to get our result.