A sequence is a function that takes in a natural number as input, and returns a real number.
Letting , we typically write a sequence in one of the following ways:
Sequences can really be anything we want - they don’t necessarily have to follow a pattern.
Example: Fibonacci Sequence
An example of a sequence is the Fibonacci Sequence, defined as .
Convergence of Sequences
Given a sequence , we say that the as , alternatively denoted as , if
Intuitively, this is saying that for all epsilon values, we can find a term in the sequence such that all terms after are within some range around (the range .
By this definition, you need to find an given and that satisfies our definition. Note that by this definition, we need to know what is.
The clause on is quite powerful, and can be used in a variety of sequence proofs (as it lets us select any we want!).
Example: Convergence of Sequences (1)
Prove that
We want to show that , such that ,
We find this .
By the Archimedian property, there such that
Let be this . We satisfy our definition and have shown convergence.
Example: Convergence of Sequences (2)
Prove that
if as .
Scratch Work: Let . We want
- Using the limit definition, we know that provided that for some ,
So, we know thatProvided that .- Furthermore, using the limit definition, we know that provided we choose such that ,
So for , we bound by , which forces . So,Provided that .Proof: Fix any .
- Let such that , .
- Let such that , .
Choose . Then, ,
Example: Divergence of a Sequence
Consider the sequence . Does it converge?
No! Choose . Then, ,
But this isn’t possible, as the -1 and 1 elements are distance 2 apart!
Theorem: Limit Rules
If and are sequences such that , , then
Theorem: Comparison Lemma; Squeeze Theorem
Let be a sequence such that , and assume there exists some and such that
Then, .
Proof (Scratch)
Scratch Work: Fix any . Choose some such that , so that our convergence applies. We have
Choose some such that , . We have
Properties of Sequences
Sequence Bounds
We say that a sequence is bounded if
Theorem: Convergence and Bounds
Let be a sequence. If converges, then is bounded.
Suppose . Then,
This doesn’t show a bound for all , only ! However, we note that before , we only have a finite number of terms. So, we can just take the max of all possible terms as a bound!
Let . Now, , we have .
Sequential Density
A set is sequentially dense in if ,
In other words, a set is sequentially dense if we can find a sequence in our set that converges to any real number we choose.
Note that density and sequential density mean the same thing.
Theorem: Density and Sequentially Density
A set is dense if any only if is sequentially dense.
We will only prove one direction for the sake of example.
Proof ()
Consider a set , and assume it is dense. We want to show that is sequentially dense.
Fix any in . Choose the interval . By the definition of density, such that
For any .
So, , making as by the Comparison Lemma.
Closed Sets
We say a set is closed if for all sequences converge to with , then the limit exists in ().
Example: Closed Sets Disproof
Let . This is not closed, as we could choose the sequence
Example: Closed Sets Disproof (2)
Let . This is not closed, as we could choose the sequence
Example: Closed Sets Proof
Let . This is a closed set, as the only possible sequence is
Which is in .
Example: Closed Sets Proof
Let . This is closed!
For any such that and , then it follows that . We need to prove this (by contradiction) - show that if we converge to a negative number, then our sequence would be “stuck” there, and could not go till infinity.
Let be a sequence.
We say that is monotone (increasing) if ,
Similarly, we say that is monotone (decreasing) if ,
There exist respective strictly increasing () and strictly decreasing definitions as well!
Theorem: Monotone Convergence Theorem
Let be monotone. Then, converges if and only if is bounded.
If monotone increasing, then .
If monotone decreasing, then .
Recall that by our definition of convergence, the converse was not true. In the case of monotonicity, it is true!
We prove the backwards direction (), as the forwards direction follows by definition of convergence.
Let be bounded. Without loss of generality, assume is monotone increasing (if it is monotone decreasing, just flip the sequence with ), and bounded.
Let . Because we know that is bounded, exists, so let .
Recall that by the definition of supremums, , there such that
Thus, , we have found an such that ,
So by definition, our sequence converges.
Example: Monotone Convergence
Prove that converges as .
Using the monotone convergence theorem, we want to show that is monotone and that is bounded.
Monotone Proof
We can easily see that is monotone increasing, as we’re adding more positive terms to every subsequent term. Thus,
Bound Proof
If is bounded, then . We find show that is bounded.
We’ve shown that is bounded by 2.
Let . Then, .
Proof (Sketch)
If , it’s clear that we converge to 0.
Without loss of generality (in the negative case, the absolute value gets rid of the negative), we can assume that .
We would want to show that is monotone decreasing, and bounded below by 0. So, by the monotone convergence theorem, we show convergence to the infimum. We end by showing that the infimum is 0.
Theorem: Nested Interval Theorem
For all , define and such that , and define the interval . Additionally, suppose that for every increasing , .
Then, if , then there is exactly one point belonging to the interval for all , and both converge to this point.
Let be a strictly increasing sequence in . Then, we say
is a subsequence of .
Note that by this definition, can be a subsequence of itself (choose )
Note by the definition of a subsequence, it must be true that , .
As a base case, note that because must be a natural number.
Now, as an inductive step, suppose for all . Then
So, because is a natural number, .
Informally, a subsequence is a “choice” of the elements in the sequence (left to right) - for every element in our sequence, we decide whether we want it or not in our subsequence.
Example: Subsequence
Suppose we have subsequence
Then, , , , and so on, telling us that
Example: Not a Subsequence
The sequence
Is not a subsequence of , as is not strictly increasing ()
Convergence of Subsequences
Because is strictly increasing, we can show the following.
Theorem: Convergence of Subsequences
If sequence , then any subsequence .
By definition, , there exists a such that ,
But for all , so for all , we show that there exists a such that ,
So by definition, as .
See the below example.
Example: Convergence of Subsequenes
Then, the following subsequence also converges to 0. Let .
We can additionally use the idea of monotonicity to show convergence of subsequences.
Theorem: Monotone Subsequence Theorem
Any sequence has a monotone subsequence.
Theorem: Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
Any bounded sequence contains a convergent subsequence.
Let be bounded. Then, contains a monotone subsequence, and because the subsequence is bounded, it converges by the Monotone Convergence Theorem.
Sequential Compactness
A subset of is sequentially compact (compact) if any sequence of has a subsequence converging to an element of .
The convergence of a subsequence is guaranteed by the previous theorem!
Sequential Compactness
In (or ), a set is sequentially compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.
Proof ():
Suppose is closed and bounded. By the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, any sequence in will contain a subsequence that converges to some . But is closed, so the limit must be in .
Proof ()
Let be sequentially compact.
We prove that is closed. So let us have a sequence such that. We prove that this limit lies within . By the definition of compactness, has a subsequence that converges to some . However, by our sequence convergence theorem, if , then ! So, by the uniqueness of limits, , meaning that .
We prove that is bounded. By way of contradiction, suppose is not bounded. Then, there exists some sequence in such that , . Any subsequence of this sequence must also “blow up”, meaning that there does not exist any subsequence that converges to an element in . This is a contradiction!
Example: Sequential Compactness
Let . is closed and bounded, so it is compact, meaning that for any sequence taken from , it has a subsequence that converges to .