
Field Axioms

A field, commonly denoted , is a set of numbers which has two binary operations, called addition and multiplication, satisfying rules known as field axioms. These axioms are split into addition, multiplication, and distributive axioms, and are described below.

Addition and multiplication don’t necessarily have to stand for the addition and multiplication we’re used to!

Example: Well-Known Fields

The sets (rational numbers), (real numbers), and (complex numbers) are all fields.

Both of the addition and multiplication axioms include properties of commutativity, associativity, identity, and invertibility.

Addition Axioms

Multiplication Axioms

Furthermore, a field must relate the properties of addition and multiplication through the property of distributivity, given below.

From these base axioms, we can derive all of the rules for standard algebraic manipulations. Below, we discuss some of them.

Consequences of the Field Axioms

Consequences of the Addition Axioms

Any set with a binary operation satisfying the addition axioms is known as an Abelian (commutative) group. In the case that the addition axioms are satisfied, then the following properties are also implied.

Theorem: Properties of Abelian Groups

Let be an Abelian group, and let . Then,

  • Cancellation Law: If , then .
  • Uniqueness of the Identity (Zero): If , then .
  • Uniqueness of the Inverse (Negative): If , then .

If we define the map as the negation of a number, then we also have the following:

  • Negation of Sums: .
  • Negation of Negatives: .

It is often the case with Abelian groups that we use the notation , to denote the summation of () times. Then, using the fact that (the set of natural numbers) is a field, we can also derive the following.

Let be an Abelian group, and , .

  • and

Consequences of the Multiplication Axioms

In the case that the multiplication axioms are satisfied, then the following properties as also implied.

Theorem: Implications of the Multiplicative Axiom

Let be a field, and let . Then,

  • Cancellation Law: If and , then .
  • Uniqueness of the Identity (One): If and , then .
  • Uniqueness of the Inverse (Reciprocal): If and , then .

If we define the map as the reciprocation of a number, then we also have the following:

  • Reciprocation of Products: If , and , then and .
  • Reciprocation of Reciprocals: If , then .

Just like with addition, we also have a convenient notation for repeated multiplications given as , which denotes the product of () times. With this notation, we have the following.

Let be a field, , and . Then,

  • and
  • If , then and

Consequences of the Distributive Axioms

In the case that addition and multiplication are properly related with the distributive axiom, then the following properties are implied.

Theorem: Implications of the Distributive Axiom

Let be a field, and . Then,

  • Product with Zero: .
  • Factors of Zero Products: If , then or .
  • Negation of Products: .
  • Reciprocal of Negations: .

Furthermore, using our addition, multiplication, and distributive axioms, we can derive the difference of powers and binomial formulas.

The difference of powers formula is given as

The binomial formula is given as

Ordered Sets

Order Axioms

An ordered set is a set with a binary operator , called an order, satisfying the following order axioms.

Suppose . Then,

We are typically used to standing for β€œless than”, though by this definition, it could also represent unconventional comparisons (ex. β€œgreater than”).

Some common notations using order are given below.

Bounds of Ordered Sets

Upper and Lower Bounds

Let be an ordered set, and suppose we have a subset .

A point is an upper bound of if for all , . Similarly, a point is a lower bound of if for all , .

If has an upper bound or a lower bound, then it is said to be bounded above or bounded below, respectively. If is both bounded above and below, then it is said to be bounded.

Note that by this definition, there are a variety of points in that serve as bounds for ! As long as a point is above (or below) the greatest (or smallest) value in , it serves as a bound.

Example: Upper and Lower Bounds

Consider the interval . Suppose , and .

Then, any point in the interval is an upper bound for , and any point in the interval is a lower bound for !

Supremums, Infimums, Maximums, Minimums

We say a point is a least upper bound (supremum) of , denoted , when:

  1. is an upper bound of .
  2. If is also an upper bound of , then .

Similarly, we say is a greatest lower bound (infimum) of , denoted , when:

  1. is a lower bound of .
  2. If is also a lower bound of , then .

We can think of supremum and infimum as the β€œclosest” value in that serves as an upper (or lower) bound for !

We say that a point is a maximum of , denoted , when is an upper bound of .

Similarly, we say that a point is a minimum of , denoted , when is a lower bound of .

Note that while both describe similar concepts, supremum and infimums are not the same as maximum and minimums.

Example: Supremum / Infimum vs. Maximum / Minimum

Note that the concept of supremums and infimums is not the same as maximum and minimums! Even though both serve as upper (and lower) bounds for , some sets may lack maximum and minimums.

For example, consider the open interval . This interval does not have a maximum or minimum, yet has a supremum of , and an infimum of .

Least Upper Bound Property

Suppose we have an ordered set . Then, is said to have the least upper bound property whenever every nonempty subset of with an upper bound has a least upper bound.


Let be an ordered set with the least upper bound property. Then, every nonempty subset of with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound.

Some sets such as and have the least upper bound property, but not all! For example, consider (the set of rationals).

Example: and the Least Upper Bound Property

To show that does not have the least upper bound property, we show subsets that lack a least upper bound.

Consider the sets

We can see that both sets of non-empty. Furthermore, we see that every point in is an upper bound for .

We see that as an irrational number, is not in . Because of this, if is a least upper bound of , then must either be in or . We can prove that both cases cannot be true using Newton’s method (apply it to find a greater than or less than , showing it cannot be a supremum or infimum), to show that lacks a least upper bound.

Ordered Fields

Ordered Field Axioms

An ordered set where is a field, is called an ordered field whenever the following ordered field axioms are satisfied:

  1. If , then implies
  2. If , then and implies

Given an ordered field , and an element , we say is positive when . We similarly have descriptions for when (negative), (non-negative), (non-positive).

We often denote the set of all positive elements of as , and the set of all negative elements as .

Example: Ordered Fields

We can easily see that and are ordered fields.

Consequences of the Ordered Field Axioms

From these ordered field axioms, we can use many of the inequality rules we are used to using in the context of . Some of these rules are given in the following theorem.

Theorem: Inequality Rules

Let be an ordered field. Then, the following must be true.

  1. If , then , and vice versa.
  2. If and , then and .
  3. If and , then and .
  4. If then .
  5. If and , then and .

Using the above inequality rules, we find that given an ordered field , satisfies the following positivity properties.

  1. If , then and
  2. For every , exactly one of , , or is true.

Interestingly enough, these properties can be used to define an ordered field. See the below theorem.

Theorem: Positivity Properties and Ordered Fields

Let be a field, and suppose satisfies the positivity properties. Define the binary relation on as

Then, is an ordered field.

The Absolute Value Function

Suppose is an ordered field. We can naturally create an absolute value function for it, defined as

Properties of the absolute value function are given in the as follows. Note that each of them can be proven from the definition of absolute value, as well as the ordered field axioms.

Theorem: Properties of the Absolute Value

Let be an ordered field. Then, for , the following properties hold true.

Define the distance between two points as the function . Such a distance function satisfies the following properties.

Theorem: Properties of the Distance Function

Suppose be an ordered field, and let be the distance. Then, for every , the following properties hold.

We can also use the absolute value function to characterize bounded sets. If is an ordered field, then a subset is bounded if and only if there exists an such that

In other words, there exists a number in serving as an upper and lower limit for the elements in .

Real Numbers

Using such definitions, we can define the real number system. First, consider the following theorem.


There exists a unique ordered field with the least upper bound property that contains as a subfield.

Proofs of this theorem are quite long and technical.

The real numbers, denoted , is formally defined as this unique ordered field with the least upper bound property containing as a subfield. By the above theorem, its existence is guaranteed.

In other words, any subset (interval) of has very explicit bounds which we can state, and such a field encompasses all of .


Due to the existence of a least upper bound property, the existence of the real numbers lets us show the existence of solutions to many equations involving powers! Before, under , this was not possible.

Theorem: Existence of Powers

In fact, under the real numbers, we can show that for every , and every , where exists a unique such that . While such a fact may seem obvious, it can also be formally proven!

Using this theorem, we can prove the following. Let . Then,

We can do this by showing that both and satisfy , and using the uniqueness trait of our previous theorem to show equality.

Define as for all and . We can use this to define for all and , by defining as

Which can be used to derive the following properties of power. Let , and . Then,


An interval is a special subset of containing all values between two bounds. We denote intervals using interval notation.

Let . We can define the following intervals.

In the case that both and are used, we call them the left endpoint and right endpoint, respectively. Similarly, we also define

An endpoint is said to be closed if it is contained inside of the interval, and said to be open otherwise. Furthermore, we say an interval is closed if all of its endpoints are closed, and open if all of its endpoints are open.

Properties of the Real Numbers

The following properties relate the real numbers with the positive integers , the integeres , and the rationals .

Theorem: Properties of the Real Numbers

The following are true.

  1. Archimedean Property: If and , then there exists such that
  2. Uniformity of Integers: If then there exists a unique such that
  3. Denseness of : If and , then there exists a such that

Such properties can be proven.