Here, we define what the Real Number system is, and its properties. We begin by introducing some common notations for sets of numbers.

The Real Number System

We define the Real Numbers, , as the number system satisfying the following 3 groups of axioms: field axioms, positivity axioms, and completeness axioms.

Field Axioms

Part of the definition of the Real Numbers is that it is a field.

A field is a set of numbers with two binary operations, called addition () and multiplication (), that satisfy rules known as field axioms. These axioms are split into addition, multiplication, and distributive axioms, and are described below.

Addition and multiplication don’t necessarily have to stand for the addition and multiplication we’re used to, though in the purposes of real numbers they do.

Addition Axioms

The addition axioms include properties of commutativity, associativity, identity, and invertibility.

Multiplication Axioms

Just like the addition axioms, the multiplication axioms include properties of commutativity, associativity, identity, and invertibility.

Distributivity and Nontriviality

Additionally, a field relates the addition and multiplication operation through a property known as distributivity, defined below.

Finally, a field has the property of nontriviality, which states that .

From these base axioms, we can derive all of the rules for standard algebraic manipulations which we can perform in the Real Numbers.

Positivity Axioms

Let be the subset of containing positive numbers. Then, as satisfies the positivity axioms, the following hold:

These axioms can be used to define the inequality operations, which we often use in the real numbers.

Completeness Axioms


We say that a subset of the real numbers, , is bounded above if

Where is known as an upper bound. In other words, there exists some that is greater than or equal to all elements in the set .

Similarly, we say that is bounded below if

Where is known as a lower bound. In other words, there exists some that is less than or equal to all elements in the set .

Supremum and Infimum

Suppose we have a subset of the real numbers, .

Then, a value is a least upper bound (supremum) of , denoted , when:

  1. is an upper bound of .
  2. If is also an upper bound of , then .

If the supremum is within itself, then it is known as a maximum.

Similarly, a value is a greatest lower bound (infumum) of , denoted , when:

  1. is a lower bound of .
  2. If is also a lower bound of , then .

If the infimum is within itself, then it is known as a minimum.

We can think of supremum and infimum as the “closest” value in that serves as an upper (or lower) bound for ! However, they are not necessarily maximums or minimums, as supremums and infimums do not have to be in !

Theorem: Alternative Definition of Supremum and Infimum

Let , and bounded above (by ). Then,

In other words, is a supremum if and only if for all positive epsilon, there exists some point in the set that is greater than the supremum minus epsilon.

Similarly, let be bounded below (by ). Then,

These statements are basically saying that there is no such smaller upper bound, or no such smaller lower bound., as we can find an which fails to satisfy the bound definition.

Example: Infimum Proof

Suppose . Prove that . We need to show that:

  1. 0 is a lower bound of .

As for all , 0 is a lower bound for .

  1. For any other arbitrary lower bound , .

Let be any lower bound of , and suppose by way of contradiction that . We do a case analysis to show that no value can possibly be a lower bound.

  • If , we can pick an element in that is smaller than , by choosing . This yields a contradiction!
  • If , we can simply pick any element in , as it will be smaller than . Choosing 0.5, we get a contraditiction!

Thus, if is a lower bound of , it must be .

Completeness Axiom

Suppose we have any subset of the real numbers that is bounded above. Then, is guaranteed to have a supremum, which is a property known as the least upper bound property (completeness axiom) of .

We can use this property to prove the existence of infimums as well.

Theorem: Existence of Infimum

Suppose is a set with the least upper bound property. Then, every subset of with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound.

By virtue of this theorem, all subsets must have infimums

Example: Uniqueness of Supremum

Prove is unique. We do this by assuming , and getting a contradiction.

Properties of the Real Numbers

Below, we describe some interesting and useful properties of the Real Numbers.

Archimedian Property of

The Archimedian Property states the following:

Theorem: Archimedian Property

  1. For all such that , there such that .
  2. For all , there such that .

Note that we can obtain one from the other by setting .

Density in

A set is dense in if for any interval , you can find some element of inside that interval. More formally, for any such that ,

See the example below.

Example: Density of in

Is dense in ?

No, as we can choose an interval in that does not contain any integers as a counterexample. For example, the interval does not contain any integers.

Density of in

We use the following lemmas below to show that is dense in . Such lemmas can be proven, but these proofs are ommitted for convenience.


(1.6) For all , there is no integer in the interval .

(1.7) Let be a nonempty set in , and bounded above. Then, has a maximum.

(1.8) For all real numbers , there exists a unique integer such that

Theorem: Density of in

is dense in . This means that, for any , , then there must exist a such that

Density of the Irrationals in

Theorem: Density of the Irrationals in

The irrational numbers are also dense in .