Metric Spaces

Introduction and Common Metrics

A set and a function of two variables is a metric space if for for all , the following 3 properties are true:

  1. Non-Negativity: , and if and only if
  2. Symmetry: ,
  3. Triangle Inequality: , .

In this case, we call a metric on . Note that a single set could have multiple valid metrics, though there are some metrics that are more commonly used than others.

Note that if is a metric space with metric , then any is also a metric space with metric .

We describe 3 of the most important metric spaces in the below theorems.

Theorem: Common Metric on

For any two real numbers , we have the metric on

The proof for the metric is trivial, as it all follows from properties of absolute values.

Theorem: Common Metric on

For any two points , we have the metric on , otherwise known as the norm,

Like the prior metric, the properties for the norm can be proven fairly easily.

Theorem: Common Metric on

Let be the set of all continuous functions .

For any two functions , we have the metric

This finds the maximum single difference between the functions in the interval !


In the metric space , with norm

We find that closed and bounded sets need not be sequentially compact.

For example, consider the set , and take sequence in . Then,

Converges pointwise. However, there does not exist a convergent !

Theorem: The Discrete Metric

Let be any set. For any two points , we have metric known as discrete metric

Generalized Metric Space Definitions

With metric spaces, we can generalize many of the definitions we had previously, by using our metric as a “distance” function! In fact, many of our definitions (ex. open sets) were given in terms of the norm .

Let be a metric space.

A sequence is said to converge to a point , if , such that

We call the limit of the sequence . Note that by this definition, we can see that a sequence converges if and only if the real sequence .

We also have the following set definitions:

  • For a point , , the set
    is the open ball around in .
  • is open if , such that .
  • is closed if , if , then .
  • For , a point is an interior point if where .

Theorem: The Complementing Characterization

Let be a metric space, and . Then, is open if and only if is closed in .

Theorem: Open and Closure of in Itself

Let be a metric space. Then, is open in , and is also closed in !

Theorem: Intersection and Union of Closed / Open Sets

Let be a metric space.


  • The union of a (potentially infinite) collection of open subsets of is open.
  • The intersection of a finite collection of open subsets of is open.


  • The union of a finite collection of closed subsets of is closed.
  • The intersection of a (potentially infinite) collection of closed subsets of is closed.

Completeness and the Contraction Mapping Principle

Let be a metric space. Then, a sequence is Cauchy if , such that

Theorem: Convergence and Cauchy Sequences

Every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence.

Example: Cauchy Sequences in

Consider a sequence . Then, from definition of the metric, is a Cauchy sequence if and only if , such that

Note that this must hold, as the metric takes the maximum difference between the functions.

In other words, is cauchy if and only if it is uniformly cauchy (converges uniformly).

We say metric space is complete, if Cauchy sequence in , such that . In other words, all Cauchy sequences converge to a point in .


The metric spaces are complete.

Theorem: Complete Subspaces

Let be a complete metric space, and a subspace of . Then, is a complete metric space if and only if is a closed subset of .

A corollary from this is that, every closed subset of is a complete metric space (from the previous remark).

Let be a metric space, and be a function. Then, is Lipschitz if such that

For all . In other words, the change in distance between any two points after the mapping is bounded by some value.

Note that the same must work for all pairs.

A Lipschitz function is a contraction if . That is, there exists a such that

Lipschitz Functions on

If differentiable, then is Lipschitz with constant if and only if .

If is a metric space, and is a function, then is called a fixed point if

In other words, the point after being mapped does not change.

With some assumptions on , we can guarantee the existence of a fixed point for a function .

Theorem: The Contraction Mapping Principle

Let be a complete metric space, and suppose is a contraction. Then, has exactly one fixed point.

This theorem is quite important in differential equations!

The Existence Theorem for Nonlinear Differential Equations

Let be an open interval of real numbers, . Then, for and a function , consider the differential system.

We ask, does there exist a differentiable function that satisfies the above differential equation?

Previously, we established that given continuous, there does exist an , and this is unique with formula

Now, we consider much more general differential systems.

Suppose is an open subset of , and let . Also suppose that we have a continuous function .

Let be an interval in , and define the function such that the set of inputs/outputs is contained within .

We ask, can we find this interval containing , and a differentiable function satisfying

Note how now, the derivative of our is given in terms of as well!

We use this setup from here on.

Lemma: The Equivalence Lemma

Let be an open subset of with the point , and suppose we have continuous.

If is a neighborhood of the point , and has the property that for all , then the following two are equivalent:

  • The function is differentiable and is a solution of the differential equation

  • The function is continuous and is a solution of the integral equation

Let’s define a function as the equation in point 2 of the equivalence lemma.

Using this function , with an additional constraint on , we can guarantee the existence of a unique solution for our system! This is known as the Existence and Uniqueness Theorem.

Theorem: Existence and Uniqueness

Let be an open subset of the plane that contains the point . Suppose that the function is continuous.

Now, assume an additional constraint, that such that ,

Then, there is an open interval with such that the differential equation

Has exactly one solution.

This is a really important proof!

Note that there are many constraints that this theorem assumes in order for our result to hold; below, we address some common misconceptions.

Remark: Failure of Uniqueness

There are examples of continuous for which uniqueness fails. Consider

Then, we can find the following solutions that are non-unique.

In fact, we can find any solution of the form

And find that in fact, our initial problem fails the Lipschitz condition, as for , is unbounded as .

Remark: Existence is a Local Property

Consider system

Note that one solution to this is , which only works for .

Remark 3

Let , and assume that

For some , and for all .

If , , and , , then for all .